The Story With Martha MacCallum : FOXNEWSW : June 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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during school hours. otherwise these kids are sitting in classic i have their plane -- brain in the classroom, have their brain outside focused on whatever they're doing on their phone. it's hopeless, some of us are trying to figure out what to do with it when we get home, we want to separate ourselves from our phones. >> it's like cutting your limb off. [ laughter ] great to have a here with us. >> gillian: thank you. >> martha: as we head into next week, hard to believe the first of the presidential debate is coming up on thursday. >> gillian: thank you for having to be. >> sandra: the louisiana governor coming on to the program tomorrow on this new law over the commandments will be posted on the public schools, for states to ever do that. thank you for joining us. >> gillian: 'the story' starts now with martha. >> martha: thank you very much, good afternoon, i'm martha maccallum and this is 'the

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story'. breaking right now cake a migrant from ecuador closed -- charged in the raping a 13-year-old girl here in queens, new york in a park in the middle of the afternoon. making his first court appearance any moment. he is accused of holding the girl and the 13-year-old boy at knife point, tying them up with shoelaces and stealing their cell phones. the attack happened last week at a park in queens? he is accused of raping to this young girl and this attack, it is a horrific, heinous story and we will see how this plays out. new video shows what happened when people in the neighborhood recognized him, the housing the police photos and sketches, took them down outside of bodega, of the rather tumbling video but of this is an extorting area seen. waited for him to come out, 10,000 dollar reward for this and they held him until the police got there.

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all over these development in the story, you joins us now, hello eric. >> he should not have even been here in the first place. this aspect is christian, he's a 25-year-old ecuadorian illegal, and he is being arranged for the rape of a 13-year-old girl. and the more than 20 years ago, february 2nd 2022, an immigration judge in your city ordered inga-landi to leave, he crossed the border illegally in 2021 at eagle pass, texas. reports say he was processed and released by the broke -- border patrol which what is called a notice to appear in court for an immigration judge at some point. inga-landi sins and had had on a run ins with policemen and he bases charges of rape, sexual assault, kidnapping, menacing and others. residents recognized him into the neighborhood from the wanted posters put up you can see in the video, they grabbed him, threw him on the ground and held

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on until police arrived. andrea called 911. >> as you tried to run away we were all trying to put him on the ground, we had to put him on the ground so he wouldn't run, you try to crawl in the car like a pet. he was just screaming, like we found a 13-year-old rapist! >> a former president trump is that it queens make iq blames the binder administration, immigration policies for allowing him into the country and remaining here. you told fox in part "i grew up writing near there, something like that was unthinkable years ago, unthinkable, i would like to be my highest respect and love to the parents and family members of his tragedy that should have never happened". we have asked the department of homeland security on a comment on a inga-landi why would he was so here, we have not heard back,

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we know where he is now, and comeau court in queens being charges of rape among others. >> martha: thank you. we just got wart that arraignment is indeed underway right now, we understand we will hear from la team prosecutors right after that and we will bring that to you live. is bring in a democratic new york city council member who was blasting leaders in washington for failing to that work -- victims of crimes committed by people here illegally. good to have a with us, thank you for joining as. as we await those arraignment, what goes through your mind when you think about this case happening in your district, in queens? >> it is outrageous first of all. it will keep happening, we have not learned a lesson. certainly, why do we formalize in the first place? eyes, the department of homeland security? in the years after 911? why? because city state and federal government agencies are not communicating.

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what we do, new york city has been doing this for a while now, crating these same choice allows to protect criminals like this guy that was just arrested for raping a 13-year-old. this is what we do, and if any city should have learned a lesson, new york city after 911. and worried about people committing crimes who are migrants or illegal aliens, whatever you want to call them, asylum-seekers, whatever you want to put a name on it, this is a dangerous situation at this point because they cannot work, many of them cannot work, obviously have no jobs, and they are desperate. you're committing crime every day in new york city. and i am worried by the way it, certainly for another 911 which we are headed in that direction. >> martha: we have been hearing a lot of that lately. thinking about these eight people from to shake his stand, we haven't heard much more about that arrest, maybe it didn't go

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anywhere in terms of terror ties but are there is so much concerned with national security, we feel like we are in the same place i couldn't especially because of how new people were led in and we don't know who they are? the vast majority of these people not here to harm anybody but the ones who are come in with them under the cover of that. i'm curious to ask you, what is it like to be owned the new york city council and how frustrated are you, it's messy democrats, a few republicans, your democrat? but that head of the council president, aging adams, said she wants to make sure that migrants are protected who historically have felt threatened because of their status. she went on to say this, watch. >> we're not considering law changes, these laws have been in effect for decades? i think would be harmful to retract and go back and go backwards and started going forwards as far as the law is

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concerned. >> martha: do you agree and what is the discussion like from counsel these days? >> like you said is that we are outnumbered, design of us, 51 councilmembers. we're terribly outnumbered? the situation i don't agree with the speaker because i think our focus should be not on protecting criminals, that's where century city laws due by the way, when somebody is arrested, the law is protecting them. we not only protect them with housing, a lot of migrants and feeding them, but we also give them free legal representation and then we seal them from ice so ice can take over the case by the way, bring them to court, do all the work and then decide if that person should be deported. that's the way it was designed to be however the city council wanting to protect migrants, i

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don't know why don't want to protect our citizens first? that's why so many attacks, we had another man, a 19-year-old from venezuela who was a gang member in venezuela, and he shot at two offices, hey, two officers of the nypd and that is what he was trying to do in venezuela? do you want to keep that? do you want to keep this prison in the united states? do you want to protect them? no. >> martha: you are not alone? a lot of people feel this way in new york and across the country? you're up against a lot of people who feel very differently and it's becoming increasingly more difficult to understand that point of view when you look at this case. robert holden, spee think so much for joining us today. democratic new york city councilman, we would love to have you back as the story unfolds. thank you. chinese migrant wanted for murder is now in custody according to the border control

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in the san diego area, they posted this photo of the arrest, we told you about of the earlier this week, he joins is now live at the border? hello. >> it martha good afternoon, for little perspective, fiscal year 2021 there were only 342 chinese nationals across our southern border illegally, so far this fiscal years been over 30,000 chinese nationals. isn't one of them right here, take a look at this video right here, another crossing, a couple of dozen of these chinese nationals, you walk in on a railroad, they don't know where they are or where they are going to the just kind of stand there, it's almost always single adults, rarely do we see them bring children in. it would notice it is no border patrol agents at the time, what happens is they get onto a local highway out here and they just start wandering around on the road aimlessly, and this happens often. of your local driver you will

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like -- see random groups of chinese or middle eastern or african guys walking around, eventually border patrol picked up this group is that that happened later on. another group of migrant that crossed illegally here, again, more journeys as well as some from central and south america. some even showing up with luggage and neck pillows, pr pretty. [ chuckling ] pretty relaxed on here. lastly take a look at this, border patrol in the san diego sector announced they just -- arrested of this chinese national who crossed illegally, has an active warrant for murder and sources tell is that warrant is out of los angeles. most of the chinese we see that give themselves up to border patrol do and i'm getting mass released into the country, china is not taking citizens back now in early this year, ciaj americas testified it is only been one single deportation back to china recently, more than 30,000 come across. >> martha: bunny for people to

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come into the country but he had to do with the way that everyone here travels to other countries as well, they know you who you are, it is a your identification, they can properly that you, 30,000 people have no idea where they are just from china alone. thank you very much is always for your reporting from the border? president biden turning attention to debates night after a series of more head scratching moments. >> president biden: disputing to all the members of congress and homeland security, secr secretary... at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®.

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[ incoherent mumbling ] all kidding aside, secretary mayorkas. >> martha: uncomfortable. we see the stumbles, we see the missteps, rc that is intense scrutiny for these candidates days before the presidential debate where the agent mental fullness -- fitness will be the focus, everybody watching to see how this goes. it is a dead heat right now according to new polling, current president joe biden made up some ground among the independent voters? let's bring in brian ferguson, art of the brian ferguson podcast, got a happy with those. everybody makes mistakes occasionally soon sure! >> martha: now both sides saying the others that is making more mistakes. this is president trump trying to go after president biden what he called clean fakes, the

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newest phrase. [ chuckling ] the phrase is actually cheaper fakes, so watch this. >> mr. trump: they say the videos of cricketer joe r. clean fakes? you know that is? deceptively edited. >> martha: in your thoughts? >> and loft because of it something like this comes out, you getting briefed on it and you're sitting there and i saw those during the bush years, like water used talking about? this is the new thing they are talking about it and you may call it? i loft last night, jimmy fallon was trying to convince his audience that donald trump is losing it at a higher level than joe biden? i just don't think the american people are that stupid. think you can see with your own eyes is clearly a major problem with the joe biden, is obviously cognitive decline, if you don't

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believe me just let go with the department of justice said, we cannot charge you with any crimes for any of his classified documents because they would say he is too old and senile to be held accountable for it. his own administration, the people who work under him and/or the department of justice said it. if you don't believe me and think it's partisan, look at what they said. >> martha: 48 percent. they don't like either canada, unfavorable. this is the conversation that brings this life -- candidate. >> it's important,'s next presidency, we set an age limit on of these people in office broke? we have a guy who is adm have a demented joe at 81? what the hell are we doing? >> everybody can say joe biden is -- god bless him, it is in

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your capable? we see what is going on. >> martha: [ chuckling ] i'm sure for present trump, he is 7080, matter of fact is that about three years apart and they're not spring chickens neither one of them. i have had similar conversation. >> i don't care was of his, i care what their like when they are in office? we're there is 60, 58, 84, i don't care. look at reagan, for example,, he was older, be obvious to a think people would say that guy knew what he was doing especially when he was running and people were trying to hit him on his age. >> martha: he was 78 when he left office? keep that in mind. seventy-eight when he left office. >> life expectancy is different now than it used to be, as a think people are sick and tired of younger people who think they know everything. there is a safety net going

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older because you failed more, you've seen more, you've seen more ups and downs in life. i do not mind age. when you look at somebody and ask of their conflict -- competence or not, what has admitted, they keep him on a noon-55:00 pm schedule on average, i was a president of the united states running the country on a four hour workday and they've said that publicly. you watch the friezes, i feel bad from a human standpoint for joe biden, allocated them like when they say oh, barack obama is just putting his arm around him because they are best friends, no, he was simply -- helping civilly offstage that was lost. >> martha: the white house spin on this is tricky, everybody sees what they see, these videos are not -- >> is a are real! >> martha: one more thing with you, as is. seals, they talk about the democrats strategy. a democrat strategist in touch with the campaign, that could be anybody, here is the quomak it

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is unclear to many of us watching from the outside whether the president and his team realize how dire the situation is right now, and whether they even have a plan to fix it ". that is scary? unnamed prison, similar to what we heard from other big names in the party. >> they got a very short window to change, i think this debate coming up will be the last moment. if he goes in that debate stage and he gets decimated not just because he gets be politically with arguments over the economy and foreign policy, we just can't handle it, i think you have a real problem. >> martha: but who will be the leader in that? summit he will have to stand up and say, this is what we will do. >> at harris? >> martha: summit he stood up and said, we need another alternative. >> at the end of the day joe biden will put as aviators on and say i'm running for president.

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>> martha: good to see you, brian ferguson of the ben ferguson podcast. a breaking cad central command announcing the death of a senior isis official pack killed in an airstrike and we just learned of it, happen on sunday. in syria, taking out osama jamal mohamed ibrahim al-janabi. usada "his death will described isis ability to resource and conduct terror attacks". always he does becomes very important, they just arrested eight tajikistan nationals, who have some contact to let -- bases, reared their ugly head again it appears. is get the latest on those," trade. >> hello martha. good afternoon, we continue to follow developments out of the region, more after the break on the disagreements between the israelis and the americans.

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>> martha: senior official telling of fox that a high level meeting between the united states and israeli officials is now off after prime minister benjamin netanyahu made this video yesterday, watch... >> it's inconceivable, in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to israel. >> martha: inconceivable that

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the ally united states would withhold weapons and ammunition from israel, what he had to say there. asked his report is saying the biden administration's are in rage, and sabally had no idea what the prime minister is speaking about here. the plan to reschedule this meeting. standing by with that and more, what refers to foreign correspondent live in tel aviv with the latest on this, hello. >> good afternoon, if you'd is unraveling between israeli and american leadership over weapon shipments to the middle east? of this week israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu released a video slamming the biden administration for withholding thousands of bulbs for fighter jets. and responds of the americans canceled a scheduled meeting with israeli officials according to a source familiar, something the white house denies, americans have expressed concerns over u.s. weapons being used in gaza where the civilian death toll continues to rise.

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antony blinken responded to benjamin netanyahu's comments saying those... >> i'm not going to talk about what was said in the diplomatic conversations, i can just say -- i can just say, again, that we have the commitment to make sure israel has what it needs to defend itself against a whole variety of threats. >> that commitment it comes as israel prepares for the possibility of a much larger war with iran backed military group hezbollah, the military said in a statement tuesday that operational plans were approved by the head of northern command to take offensive action against lebanon? today rocket science sounded across northern israel amid new attacks by hezbollah and overnight is where large new strikes in southern the blown as a cross-border exchange of fire continues. the big question is if and when did this larger conflict with a ruptured cognitive pneumatic officials say there are efforts aren't going to avert a larger war with that window is closing. >> martha: very serious situation. thank you. with that would bring in

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bright bare, chief political anger and executive editor and anchor a special report, agreed to happy with us. you've spent a lot of time in the region covering this story over the years, always see a lot of tension and hostility between president biden and president ms. president benjamin netanyahu, where do you see all of this going and what he think hezbollah thinks one of the look of this rift? >> martha good afternoon, i think this is a frustration bubbling up, the prime minister doing that a video something that is very public, it is very out there saying i am not getting the support the u.s. says it is giving me and he even went to the lancaster say the secretary of state antony blinken promised him to relieve the bottlenecks, to get after this a delay on some of these weapons and ammunition. asked about a lack of the secondary of staid then said, well that is only a delay in the 2000 pound bombs because we were weighed about of the big bombs

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being used in rafah and the civilians killed inside gaza. this communication back and forth going at 30,000 feet about at the same time frustration on the is really cited that they are not getting what they need to finish the job. and i think there are a lot of signals being sent, and this meeting are being canceled tuesday may be one of them. >> martha: very practical nature, five months away from the presidential election, the president feels he needs to win places like michigan to get across the finish line. benjamin netanyahu is coming to capitol hill on july 24th, arc saying that the event should be canceled as well. this man is a war comeaux she says, no regard for u.s. law which is exquisitely designed to prevent u.s. weapons for facilitating human rights abuses,'s invitation should be revoked. the political pressure is on biden. >> huge political pressure, we're coming up to the season of conventions, the democratic

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convention in chicago probably will be chock-full with protesters on this issue, when it comes to the stance of the administration on israel and hamas, and what has been done and what has not been done. this is contentious, the prime ministers visit during this time is going to have a lot of pushback. you have already seen aoc guide bernie sanders saying somebody aggressive things about that visit. >> martha: protest in michigan, and the primaries against president biden, we will see where this goes. thank you very much, always good to see you. see later tonight at 6:00 on special report. later this hour, the man emerging as a top trump vp content a guard dog work and wasn't anybody's list when it comes to this conversation, also a stunning claim from a top scientist who believes the and was money that motivated doctor

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fauci's decision to diverge anything that had given credence to allow bleak at the wuhan lab theory. >> my concern is that scientists and the u.s. knew about this research, they knew this and yet they failed to tell the frontline doctors, hey,, you have to watch out for human transmission? taiwan did that properly, he had 2 percent of our deaths. that's what could've happened in the u.s. >> martha: outstanding statements by him earlier today, former cbc director doctor robert bradfield, ways in, next?

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>> martha: the migrant charge and the rape of a 13-year-old girl here in new york city is now in custody. it happened at a park, the attack that happened was in a park in queens into the middle of last week in the middle of

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the day, placing people in the neighborhood is saw the posters, heard about the story, recognized him and they waited for him to come out of bodega late last night than they held him down, call the police and waited for them to get there to arrest him? here is moments ago after they are we meant of this man, here is the queens a da, melinda. >> good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, christian geovanny inga-landi has just been remanded into custody, he's being charged in kona complete for predatory sexual assault, the highest sexual assault account summary can be charged with, with rape in the first-degree, kidnapping in the second degree, and and a host of other charges. people are alleging that he came -- he approached the younger couple, 213-year-old kids, tied them up, put a guide in the mouth, rape the young woman, and asked them to stay there for 20 minutes while he guessed left?

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the end of the day, he is remanded into custody, has those charges it ending, i'm happy to take any other questions you might have? still under investigation. his next court date is july 1st, until july 15th. >> or happen in regard to the warrants? >> that is an immigration case, apparently he did not show up, or you would have to talk to other individuals about the actual immigration hearing but there was a warrant out for his arrest by immigration? >> what a jew thank of the response by the community playing in the role of -- >> this was an amazing citywide manhunt this individual who allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl and kidnapper both, the 13-year-old girl and 13-year-old boy.

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i am thankful that the community responded. we got the rest -- the arrest within a day or two, think you nypd, they got the word and the picture oh, you got a very detailed description of the tattoo. but also to take a moment to talk about the bravery of this -- these two 13-year-old children, it's amazing what they went through, identification, their memory of the tattoo, the braces, all of which which was right on point, which is a remarkable thing for two 13-year-old to remember. and the manhunt that ensued in the city. own to thank all of the individuals made phone calls, who gave tips, who made sure that we found christian geovanny inga-landi in a timely fashion. thank you ladies and gentlemen, we will see you next time. >> martha: stunning. it is quite a case and we will

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be following eddie but he is now in custody and that has to be at least some small moment of peace for these families going through this with these two 13-year-old children, i'm glad she went out of their courage in identifying him in a very clear way. we think about them with their families this afternoon, that he is in custody. now to this, a stunning accusation from a scientist who spoke to earlier today, about why he believes dr anthony fauci may not want to confirm that covid-19 came from a lab in wuhan, china. for the lab leak theory on capitol hill, one of several who testified. i spoke with him this morning on america's newsroom about why he believes that the lab leak theory was quashed and called racist and all of these other things for so long.

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>> my concern is scientists into the u.s. who knew about this research, doctor fauci, they knew this yet they failed to tell the frontline doctors, hey,, you have to watch out for human to human transmission -- >> martha: because of money and -- doctor fauci decided not to let people know that this was a lab at bourne virus? is that what you're saying? >> his record of about 15 years of supporting gain of function research, my own analysis is that kind of research has led to know useful civilian uses in medicine. soon 1st week of january human to human transmission, you get the information to the frontline doctors, the actively leg of the doctors in taiwan and you end up with 2000 deaths and start of 1 million. >> martha: strong words from doctor stephen quake, couple different storylines you want to get to with former cbc director,

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who we all remembered during the covid-19 pandemic, working side-by-side with doctor fauci on the covid-19 task force, thank you, we'll come back to the story. always good to happy with us. >> thank you for the question. glad to be here. >> martha: what is your reaction to wages heard? >> martha i do think that there was a conservative effort to downplay the lab leak theory to protect what dr quay was referring to do, protect gain a function research. the scientific community does not want regulations and gain a function research. i've called for monitory him, we do that in the wall street journal, we called for you monitory him on again a function, so broader society can debate whether this research is necessary and how to do it in a safe and responsible and effective way. of the view that it's not something we need to be doing, has a great potential to cause any pandemic?

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i think it is underlying and is responsible for the current pandemic, than covid-19 was a direct consequence of the scientific consequences. >> martha: he said that dr fauci and doctor francis collins knew that this virus was being communicated from human to human, transferred from human to human, in in january of 2020. did you know that then? >> we initially did not appreciated the human to human transmission, george told me in january that he was quite confident that was no human to human transmission. at this is why i wanted a cbc to go in the 1st week of january to ascertain whether there was human to human transmission and another report in fact was any evidence of asymptomatic infection. unfortunate is that both of those did not occur and unfortunately they were incorrect and whether the

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diamond princes in february became pretty convinced now that the major transmission was asymptomatic and it was a norm is a effective? we talked about us before, been greater honesty is think and at least open scientific debate about the lab origin, we would have understood this virus was educated at laboratory to be highly transmittable to three said that to me many times, because of how quickly it was able to spread, there is no way it would have power from animal to human in that timeframe and become a super spider event that we all watched play out. he brought up this example of taiwan, how taiwan had an understanding he said, that there was human to human transmission and that's why they had a lot of back-and-forth going from taiwan to china, shut them down immediately. and according to just those individuals, riske locked it

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down. only 2000 deaths in taiwan compared to the million that we had. >> they did a great job in taiwan. i think a lot of that was very good communication from doctors, particular in hong kong and other parts of china, very rapidly dismissed that there was no human to human transmission and the focused on very aggressively that there was human to human transmission. unfortunately we do not appreciated the impact of that until early february. >> martha: you know, when i hear that this doctors say that fauci and collins sat on information because they wanted to the investment and gain a function research, that is so egregious, so deadly. trying to figure out what is the punishment for that and how do we figure out if that what is the case?

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>> they are trying to prevent any momentum for regulation again a function research? proper function is to get ahead of the curve and give regulation to regulate this type of research, than it is quite dangerous. >> de thank of the intelligence agencies have to be part of the process and the next god for bid pandemic? several of them weighed in and said they didn't believe it the. >> much more aggressive interactions between the national intelligence and the scientific community, around paul's working on a bill that is trying to do that, much for consideration for the national security implications of this research when funding decisions are made of,. >> martha: is and what the loss of education, and makes my head spin, when doctor fauci said we should have opened the schools soon it, a lasting impact on work ethic, students, learning is so dramatic in terms

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of the impact on the country that we really need to pay close attention to all of these details. thank you very much, you been very honest, appreciate speaking with us. >> spee thank of her having been. >> martha: former president trumps critics spoke for about what you might do to his enemies as president, watched us. >> atul think anybody is safe if that's the sort of basis. >> i think there is a pattern where people that when he picks it individual people and terrorizes them. >> martha: north dakota governor and one of the people on the trump shortlist, as far as we can tell, doug burnham, next.

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resident trump wins a second term? take a look at some of these suing think about the many oppressions that china bring about a revolution against the american system of government and the united states of america, and into the story you are the americans. >> that they wouldn't do everything possible i think in order to try to ensure that donald trump is going to come out on top in november. >> martha: here we go again with another russia hoax, apparently by some of the same folks, that's bring in doug burnham who ran against the former president and the republican primary but is now campaigning for him, masset to be on the shortlist, at the happy with us? what goes through your mind when you hear these diet projections about being against the entire

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system of the u.s. government and throwing people in jails and camps? >> hello martha? sound just came through. great to be with you. >> martha: at her note -- i don't know if he heard the sound we just played, it was a montage of a number of people in the media talking about the possibility of imprisonment, for people who disagree with former president trump, people putting camps, the entire system of government it would be under collapse pressure, under a second trump term. what witches say to them, what would you want them to think about? >> you know this is just ridiculous, there is two strategies, one is be afraid, the other is be even more afraid. no basis at all in these assertions they are making, all

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of this fearmongering the. president trump served as president for firefighters and we had peace and prosperity during that time. under joe biden we are living under a dictatorship today, where he is bypassing congress on immigration policies, bypassing congress on protecting our border, on a student loan forgiveness, and those are the things that dictators do, they just assert their own liberal view? that's what the biden a demonstrations doing, so what they're really afraid of as president trump is ahead in the polls, with all the groups in america on all the issues that matter most to most americans, whether it's of the border, inflation, interest rates, whatever those archive president trump is leading. >> martha: in the past, in an interview you said and we've talked about this before, you

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said he would not do business with president trump. i'm thinking about other people who worked in administration last time around who left because he did not like the way that -- they did not like what they were sitting at the white house. having said he would not do business with him on what i assume was real to you at that time, gave any concern about being in this administration and how you might feel about it if you were in the white house? >> i got no concerns at all about being in this administration, want that you that i endorse president from early in 2016, endorsem*nt 2020 knows one of the first ones to endorse him this year. least in our state it's been world a difference with president trump in office versus biden. note problems all around that, and of course having a business person in the white house is fantastic, particular given all of the economic challenges we have as a nation. for me, when i did not know

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president trump in 2016, 2020 and had an opportunity to work with him as a governor, that relationship was professional and fantastic. only got to know him as a prison from january until now and having spent that time with him i wish every american could see where the first lady catherine and i have seen, some who cares deeply about this country works tirelessly and applies commonsense to all the issues that every american, working a megan family struggling with, is fantastic. >> martha: he's losing losing some traction in the last month since the end of the court case, being found criminally liable no study for accounts which of course he is appealing and denies what he lost traction with independence, here is a now versus make, biden is up two with independence, back in may trump was up 12. what do you say to that, had a

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thing that may be you on the ticket might improve his numbers with independence? >> i think president trump will win this election regardless of who is on the ticket with him, and think of course again, this is the strategy they have witches lafayette, democrats are applying to that on multiple levels, persecuting president trump, before he was in office, and in the end i don't think it would work. americans understand that this -- is a sham trial. and a high take business filing errors that are misdemeanors, and somehow through alchemy turned those into multiple felonies. which is attacking a political opponent and they will vote with independence because inflation, of the border, public safety, all over that effects independence as well.

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>> martha: yes or no, do you want to be the vice president on that ticket? >> that is over president trump to decide, he has a lot of great choices. >> martha: a lot of attention on that issue, four your presidency and that person will be very well positioned? governor doug burgum, thank you. how about this, suing media companies over documentaries they made about his family, his father alex is currently serving two young -- life sentences for the murders of his wife maggie and his son paul. the surviving son, his lawsuit hello jonathan. >> defamation lawsuit, in it claiming that it was insinuated

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here do something to do with the death of his former high school classmates stephen smith back in 2015, authorities found the 19 owns body in the middle of the country were about 15 miles from the family estate, the initially ruled a hit and run but it reopened the investigation after the fatal double shooting of busters mother maggie and brother paul. busters father destroy just attorney was convicted of those murders last year budget buster is suing several large media companies encoding netflix and warner bros. claiming the document is on the case implied he was involved in smith's death. 's lawsuit seeks unspecified damages across -- against the companies but air get bland, the attorney representing the mother believes them lawsuit will backfire because buster could be compelled to testify about the case and he says immediate companies are unlikely to se settle. >> i think they will defend this case vigourously, i think they

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are going to use is to get additional content, wouldn't surprise me if there is additional documentaries. >> busters father is serving two consecutive life sentences and a maximum security prison in south carolina, although he has admitted student numerous financial crimes to this day, he insists he did not kill his wife and his son? >> martha: jonathan in our land at, i spoke about the documentary, the how this went to the of the house of murdaugh, the only interview he has done, tune in on that? on the new episode of the untold story, great conversation on the race to the white house, what is at stake as we head towards next week is a big debate, to inane? thank you for joining us, have a fantastic evening, was he back here tomorrow. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]

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Martha MacCallum brings the story of the times with her tough but fair interviews and straightforward analysis; "The Story" captures the voices that need to be heard and the people at the center of every history-shaping moment.

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The Story With Martha MacCallum : FOXNEWSW : June 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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