Lutheran Basketball Association of America 2024 (2024)

2024 National Tournament - 76th Annual

March 21- 24, 2024| Fort Wayne, Indiana

Fort Wayne is pleased to welcome LBAA back to our city! During your tournament, we hope you enjoy our state-of-the-art sports facilities. Outside of game times, you can also have a great time exploring Fort Wayne.Visit one of our outstandingattractions, museums, shoppingmalls, restaurants, or urban parks. Also, be sure to take a look at all of the funlocal events happening here during your stay!

Explore Fort Wayne with this custom LBAA Fort Wayne Scavenger Hunt! Take pictures at each location to complete the excursion.

Look below for more ways to complete your Fort Wayne getaway.

Lutheran Basketball Association of America 2024 (3)

Please fill out the form below with your preferred dates and number of rooms
Please remember this is just a request and teams are not guaranteed to be assigned to preferred hotels.

'+ '

'+' '+ ' '+ ' '+' '+'
'+ '<<' + this.getCurMonthName(sDate) + '>> '+ ' '+ '<<' + sDate.getFullYear() + '>>'+ '


'+'' + this.dayListTds() + '' + this.calDays(id, sDate, useToday) +'


' }; return d.calendar; }, calDays: function(id, curDate, useToday){ var rtnvar = ''; var numDaysInMonth = new Date(curDate.getFullYear(), curDate.getMonth()+1, 0).getDate(); var startofmonth = new Date(); startofmonth = new Date(curDate.getFullYear(),curDate.getMonth(),1); var rows = Math.ceil((startofmonth.getDay()+numDaysInMonth)/7); var cday = 1; var firstday = startofmonth.getDay()+1; var lastday = numDaysInMonth; var loopstart = 0; var loopend = 0; var currentDate = new Date(); currentDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate()); for(var i = 1; i <= rows; i++){ rtnvar += '

'; loopstart = ((i-1)*7)+1; loopend = loopstart+6; for(var d = loopstart; d <= loopend; d++){ rtnvar += ''; if(d >= firstday && cday <= lastday){ var dt = new Date(curDate.getFullYear(), curDate.getMonth(), cday); var tmpDt = new Date(curDate.getFullYear(), curDate.getMonth(), curDate.getDate()); var className = (dt.getTime() == tmpDt.getTime() && useToday) ? 'today' : 'Day'; className += dt.getTime() == currentDate.getTime() ? ' currentDay' : ''; var thisdate = this.convertToUserDate(parseInt(dt.getMonth()+1,10) +'/'+parseInt(dt.getDate(),10)+'/'+parseInt(dt.getFullYear(), 10)); rtnvar += '' + cday + '
'; cday++; }else{ rtnvar += '
'; } } rtnvar += '

'; } return rtnvar; }, replaceCal: function (id, sDate) { var cal = this.createCal(id, sDate, false); if (document.getElementById(id + '_calendar')) { document.getElementById(id + '_calendar').innerHTML = cal; } else { var newDomElm = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; newDomElm.innerHTML = cal; = id + '_calendar'; if (document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id)) { document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id).appendChild(newDomElm); } } return; }, updateDate: function(id, curDate){ document.getElementById(id).value = curDate; //document.getElementById(id).onchange(); if(document.getElementById(id + '_calendar')){ document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id).removeChild(document.getElementById(id + '_calendar')); } if(document.getElementById('datepicker_' + id)){ document.getElementById('datepicker_' + id).onclick = function(){ svcrm.formBuilderScripts.fbCalendar.showDatePicker(document.getElementById(id), document.getElementById(id).value); }; } }, showDatePicker: function(domElm, curDate){ var cleanID ='datepicker_', ''); var sDate = new Date(); if(!document.getElementById(cleanID + '_calendar')){ if(document.getElementById(cleanID)){ try{ if(curDate){ sDate = this.convertToUSDate(curDate); if(sDate == 'Invalid Date'){ sDate = new Date(); } } }catch(e){ sDate = new Date(); } this.getCalendar(cleanID, sDate); } }else{ document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + cleanID).removeChild(document.getElementById(cleanID + '_calendar')); } }, getCalendar: function(id, curDate){ var newDomElm = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; newDomElm.innerHTML = this.createCal(id, curDate, true); = id + '_calendar'; newDomElm.className = 'svcrm_datepicker'; document.getElementById('fieldcontainer_' + id).appendChild(newDomElm); }, convertToUSDate: function(dte){ var rtnvar = false; var wrk = dte.split(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); var wrkdate = []; var mydate = ''; if(wrk.length > 0){ wrkdate[0] = parseInt(wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_DAY_POSITION-1],10); //always holds the day wrkdate[1] = parseInt(wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_MONTH_POSITION-1],10); //always holds the month wrkdate[2] = parseInt(wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_YEAR_POSITION-1],10); //always holds the year if(wrkdate[1] > 0 && wrkdate[1] < 13){ //Validate the months var monthsWithDaysRegExp = new RegExp("(4|6|9|11)", "gi"); var numdays = 31; if(wrkdate[1] == 2){//feb numdays = 28; //check if leap year if (wrkdate[2] % 4 === 0 && (wrkdate[2] % 100 !== 0 || wrkdate[2] % 400 === 0)){ numdays = 29; } }else if(monthsWithDaysRegExp.test(wrkdate[1])){ numdays = 30; } if(wrkdate[0] > 0 && wrkdate[0] <= numdays){ //validate the days in this month if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 2){ //if we have a two digit year pad it wrkdate[2] = chkYear(wrkdate[2]); } if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 4 && !isNaN(wrkdate[2])){ //validate the year, could expand this /* we are here we have a valid month and we have a valid day for that month and we have a valid 4 digit year */ //fld.value = wrkdate.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); wrk[1] = wrkdate[0]; //put the day back where it should be wrk[0] = wrkdate[1]; //put the month back where it should be wrk[2] = wrkdate[2]; //put the year back where it should be wrkdate = wrk.join("/"); //join on the us delim and return valid rtnvar = true; } } } } if(!rtnvar){ //if we didn't get a good date from above we use today wrkdate = new Date(); } return wrkdate; }, convertToUserDate: function(dte){ var rtnvar = false; var wrk = dte.split("/"); var wrkdate = []; var mydate = ''; if(wrk.length > 0){ wrkdate[0] = parseInt(wrk[1],10); //always holds the day wrkdate[1] = parseInt(wrk[0],10); //always holds the month wrkdate[2] = parseInt(wrk[2],10); //always holds the year if(wrkdate[1] > 0 && wrkdate[1] < 13){ //Validate the months var monthsWithDaysRegExp = new RegExp("(4|6|9|11)", "gi"); var numdays = 31; if(wrkdate[1] == 2){//feb numdays = 28; //check if leap year if (wrkdate[2] % 4 === 0 && (wrkdate[2] % 100 !== 0 || wrkdate[2] % 400 === 0)){ numdays = 29; } }else if(monthsWithDaysRegExp.test(wrkdate[1])){ numdays = 30; } if(wrkdate[0] > 0 && wrkdate[0] <= numdays){ //validate the days in this month if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 2){ //if we have a two digit year pad it wrkdate[2] = chkYear(wrkdate[2]); } if(wrkdate[2].toString().length == 4 && !isNaN(wrkdate[2])){ //validate the year, could expand this /* we are here we have a valid month and we have a valid day for that month and we have a valid 4 digit year */ //fld.value = wrkdate.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_DAY_POSITION-1] = wrkdate[0]; //put the day back where it should be wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_MONTH_POSITION-1] = wrkdate[1]; //put the month back where it should be wrk[crm_locale.YAHOO_MDY_YEAR_POSITION-1] = wrkdate[2]; //put the year back where it should be wrkdate = wrk.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); //join on the correct delim and return valid rtnvar = true; } } } } if(!rtnvar){ //I dont really know what to do here i guess just use today and convert to their date var t = new Date(); t = t.getMonth()+1 + '/' + t.getDay() + '/' + t.getFullYear(); wrkdate = this.convertToUserDate(t); } return wrkdate; }, convertToUserMDOnlyDate: function(dte){ var dateFormat_MDOnly = crm_locale.DATEFMT_MDONLY.split(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); var _day = dte.getDate().toString(); var _month = (dte.getMonth() + 1).toString(); var _dayFormat = ''; var _monthFormat = ''; var _dayPostion = ''; var _monthPostion = ''; if(dateFormat_MDOnly[0].indexOf('d') != -1){ _dayFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[0]; _monthFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[1]; _dayPostion = 0; _monthPostion = 1; }else{ _dayFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[1]; _monthFormat = dateFormat_MDOnly[0]; _dayPostion = 1; _monthPostion = 0; } if(_dayFormat == 'dd' && _day.length != 2){ _day = '0' + _day; } if(_monthFormat == 'mm' && _month.length != 2){ _month = '0' + _month; } var dsp = []; dsp[_dayPostion] = _day; dsp[_monthPostion] = _month; dsp = dsp.join(crm_locale.YAHOO_DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER); return dsp; } };/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END Script Calendar +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', svcrm.formBuilderScripts.__onload_function, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', svcrm.formBuilderScripts.__onload_function); }})();/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEGIN Script copied from OLD CMS loadCRMForm +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

Lutheran Basketball Association of America 2024 (2024)


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Article information

Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Last Updated:

Views: 5665

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.