Grandfather clocks are very often passed down from one generation to the next.
It never seems like a good idea to simply put your grandfather clock out on the curb.
Chances are your clock has some value associated with it and quite a bit of history to tell.
If you have a grandfather clock and want to ensure that you can get some money for it when you sell it, then it pays to keep on reading.
Grandfather clocks have unique features and functionality, and there are some key things that you should know before you sell yours.
Here is how to tell how much your grandfather clock is worth.
How Much Is My Grandfather Clock Worth? (How To Value)
Several factors will help increase or decrease the value of your grandfather clock.
The original price that you paid for your clock may have nothing to do with the resale value.
Keep this in mind as you don’t want to think of this quite like a project to recuperate your money.
Chances are, if you purchased a high-quality clock and spent some time maintaining it through the years, you may get more than you paid for it.
Expect that your grandfather clock could be worth anywhere from $200 to $20,000 depending on the features and the condition of the clock.
If you are willing to sell an antique clock and be fair about the overall pricing, chances are you will make quite a bit of money off of it.
These factors are the most important to consider when trying to come up with a value for your clock.
1. Professional Opinion
It can be difficult to find an exact value for every clock.
Although there is information out there about previous sales and records, there is certainly no guidebook on every single clock.
In addition, the clock is only worth what someone will pay for it.
If your clock is antique and impressive and in perfect condition, it could be worth $20,000 or more.
However, at the time that you are ready to sell, there may be no buyers available in this price range.
Selling the grandfather clock will take strategic pricing and the help of a professional.
You may have to wait several months to sell a clock like this, but a professional can tell you what is worth waiting for and when you should simply sell.
Although professional opinions and services are going to impact the overall profit that you make on your grandfather clock, it will be well worth it.
Most people find they were about to underestimate or overestimate the selling price of their grandfather clock, and this process makes much more sense, even if it comes with a cost.
2. Condition
If your grandfather clock still works, you will certainly get quite a bit more money for it than if it has not been able to keep time for years.
The condition of the clock goes beyond just its functionality but also includes the overall condition and look of the clock.
Those who are looking to get premium pricing for their grandfather clock will need to look into the investors and serious clock buyers.
These are the people who have the most money to pay and are going to be interested in a really good quality grandfather clock.
The problem with these buyers is that they are also going to be incredibly particular about what they purchase.
Therefore, it will make sense that if your clock is no longer functioning, you are not going to get a very good price for the piece when it sells.
You must ensure that the clock has been maintained in proper condition to get the most money for it.
Sometimes the clock will need servicing and attention, and these are things that will be worth paying for if it means you can sell your clock for quite a bit more.
The condition of the clock will also refer to the outside finish.
If the clock has been in your front window for the last ten years and the wood has started to fade, or the numbers on the face of the clock are no longer visible, it will impact the price as well.
Overall, if you want top dollar for your clock, it needs to be in premium condition.
This is going to quickly take some people out of the grandfather clock selling game.
Sometimes you will learn that you just don’t have the qualities left in your clock to still be able to sell it for top dollar.
If this is the case, try to find a local person who likes the style and design of the clock and will at least give you some money for it.
Again, the condition is going to be one of the most critical factors in valuing the close.
3. Age
Grandfather clocks have been around for a very long time.
The antique grandfather clocks are very expensive and can sell for quite a bit of money.
The older a grandfather clock is, the more money you will be able to get for it.
You will have to do some investigative work if you don’t have a proper feel for the current age of your clock.
Typically speaking, there will be a sticker of some kind located somewhere on the clock that will give you the date that it was manufactured.
For most clocks, this is going to also have the name of the clockmaker.
If you can’t find the age of your grandfather clock, it is best not to guess.
If you guess wrong, you could end up selling your grandfather clock for quite a bit less money than it is worth.
Some grandfather clock owners wonder whether or not something is antique or if it is just vintage.
This can be a tough distinction to make.
The vintage items tend to be more than 50 but less than 100 years old.
The antique clocks are typically more than 100 years old.
At this point, if you had a clock that was manufactured before 1920, you would be in possession of an antique.
Antiques are going to appeal to a wider range of grandfather clock investors who are likely to give you more money for your clock.
It makes sense to hold on to your grandfather clock for a while so that you can sell it as an antique.
In the end, if you are not sure if you are dealing with an antique or simply an old clock, make sure you have it evaluated by a professional.
Some very rare and old grandfather clocks can sell for tens of thousands of dollars.
Although most people would be thrilled to get $100 for their grandfather clock, if it is old enough, you will have quite a good chance to get more.
4. Maker
A true grandfather clock was likely made by a talented professional who understands the complexity and the industry.
Of course, there are cheaper imitation grandfather clocks, but the ones with higher levels of craftsmanship are going to sell for quite a bit more money.
Overall, the maker of your grandfather clock could help to determine the value that you are going to get for it.
The most important aspect of the craftsmanship is the functionality of the clock but also the materials that were used.
The materials in the long-case clocks are typically very high in quality as they were intended to be passed down from one generation to the next.
The more famous a grandfather clock manufacturer is, the more money you will get for the clock.
The names of the grandfather clock brands may not be something that you are familiar with.
Many of these clockmakers may no longer be in business, but this could actually help to make your grandfather clock worth quite a bit more.
Some names have been known through the years as being the best clock manufacturers around.
If you find that your grandfather’s clock is made by Franz Hermle, Ridgeway, or Howard Miller, chances are the clock will be worth more money.
The Franz Hermle brand has been around for more than 100 years, and it is known for having some of the best quality in the world of grandfather clocks.
Each manufacturer is going to have different valuations, especially considering the number of clocks that were made.
For mass-produced grandfather clocks, the amount of money you can get will likely be lower.
Remember that determining how rare your grandfather clock is will help you to see how much it is going to be worth.
The rarer it is, the more you will get for it, especially if it comes from a quality brand name.
When you are looking at your clock to determine who the maker is, pay very close attention to the logo or symbol that remains on the clock.
The more of this that is intact, the better your chances are of retaining a great deal of money on the clock.
Although experts can often determine who the maker of the clock is, the value is considerably higher when the symbol is still in place.
5. Aesthetics
There are two factors to consider when it comes to the aesthetics of the clock.
The first is the condition of the clock and the overall appearance because of the way it was maintained.
The second is the type of grandfather clock that you are dealing with.
For instance, some clocks will have lots of details, and others will be rather plain.
The first issue here is the appearance of the clock.
Over time, if the clock was not made from the highest quality materials, you may see that there are some areas that have warped or started to split.
In addition, if you have moved your grandfather clock from one location to another, there could be issues where there is a scratch on the clock itself.
These blemishes are all going to decrease the price that you will get for your clock.
Moving on to the details and the overall look of the clock, it is obviously essential that you own a nice-looking grandfather clock.
Some clocks stand out as beautiful pieces, and others won’t have much that they really offer to the potential buyer.
The type of wood that your clock is made from is going to impact the value.
If a clock is made with a high-quality oak, it is built to last for a very long time, and therefore, you will see the value on a clock like this increase considerably.
In addition, the oak is resistant to many of the issues that wood pieces will deal with over time.
The fact that this is the case will mean that when you sell the clock, the new buyers will have full confidence in the fact that the clock is going to last them for many more years to come.
Some clocks will have added components to them.
These components will also impact the value.
Some will have a picture inscribed on the face of the clock or extra carving done around the outer edges of the wood.
If you have something unique and special on your clock, make sure that this is considered in the valuation of the clock.
6. Mechanical Complexity
The main reason that a grandfather clock stands out is the way that it is mechanically sound and works as it should.
The mechanical complexity of your grandfather clock will have an impact on the money that you receive when you sell your clock.
The first thing to keep in mind here is that a grandfather clock is meant to keep time.
If the clock does a great job of keeping time, you are on the right track.
However, if you find that you have to reset the clock every two weeks or so because the time is a good ten or fifteen minutes off, chances are there are some issues with the clock.
The grandfather clock should have the ability to keep perfect time and stay on track.
If it does not, you may need to consider hiring a professional to come in and get the clock back in working order before you try to sell the clock.
If you are looking for the mechanical factors that are most important for resale, here are a few that you should consider.
7. Movement
Many grandfather clocks allow you to see the operation of the clock as it is working.
If not, there is typically a panel that can be removed that allows you to watch the clock’s inner workings.
The movement of the gears and plates should be functioning without any harsh movements or errors.
8. Pendulum
The most important part of the grandfather clock is likely the brass or steel pendulum.
The pendulum should be moving in a very consistent motion as this is what will determine the time that is kept by the clock.
If the pendulum looks as though it does not move properly, this is likely what is causing your issues.
9. Dials
The dials of the clock are also important.
This part is located more on the face of the clock as opposed to in the train or mechanical section.
The dials will be made up of a few different parts, including the winding holes and the dial arch.
You will have to check both sides of the dials on the face to see what could be causing a potential issue.
The inner workings of a grandfather clock are quite a bit more mechanically complex than these few issues.
However, if you can’t get your clock to work or to keep time properly, it is worth trying to get to the root of the issue.
If you can get it up and running, your resale value will increase considerably.
How Much Can A Grandfather Clock Sell For?
A grandfather clock can sell for anywhere from $200 to more than $20,000.
This is what makes valuing a grandfather clock so difficult.
As you can see from the long list of factors that go into the pricing, there is quite a bit to consider when coming up with a value for a clock.
This is why we highly recommend working with a clock dealer when it comes time to sell your clock.
Chances are there are things about the clock that you own that you don’t fully understand and therefore can’t portray or convince another individual to the effectiveness.
A grandfather clock valuation can cost some money, but most clockmakers or manufacturers will tell you right away whether or not it is worth it.
If you have a mass-produced grandfather clock that is likely only worth a few hundred dollars, the valuation may not even be done for you.
However, most clockmakers will be able to tell right away if the clock is going to be in the $10,0000 to $20,000 range.
Many people have emotional connections to their grandfather clock.
It may have been in the home of your grandfather, and now you are looking to sell the clock.
This is common to have emotions tied to something that has been passed down through the family.
However, you cannot let these feelings get tied up in the sale.
Remember that the buyer will not have these emotional connections, and they will simply be looking to make a business transaction.
Another issue that many clock owners run into is that they own a reproduction of a very high-end clock in their home.
There are certainly more reproductions on the market than there are originals, and it will take a professional to scope out the small differences.
For this reason, it is a good idea not to get too excited about the amount of money your clock may be worth until you go through a professional valuation.
Remember that a grandfather clock is also going to be quite difficult to move.
These clocks are heavy, and they are fragile.
If you are having a hard time getting your grandfather clock in for a valuation, many services will come to your home and give you an idea of what it is worth.
In addition, if you work with a professional clockmaker on the sales process of your clock, they will often arrange for transport of the clock once it has been sold.
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