Fallout 76 Treasure Hunter (2025)

1. Hunt for the Treasure Hunter | Fallout Wiki - Fandom

  • Overview · Rewards · One Wasteland For All-onward...

  • The Hunt for the Treasure Hunter event is a series of limited-time community events for Fallout 76. Every now and then, treasure-hunting mole miners will appear all across Appalachia. Taking down these mole miners will cause them to drop mole miner pails. The treasure hunters can appear in any location where hostile enemies spawn, and are not reserved to just mole miner spawns. These pails can be either dusty, regular, or ornate, and the rewards get better as the pail tier gets higher. New pail

Hunt for the Treasure Hunter | Fallout Wiki - Fandom

2. Fallout 76 Treasure Hunter Event 2024 - Full Reward List & Best Farm ...

  • Treasure Hunter Mole Miners will always spawn as legendary with a 55% chance to be a 1-star, a 40% chance to be a 2-star, and a 5% chance to be 3-star legendary ...

  • The Hunt for the Treasure Hunter is a series of limited-time Fallout 76 events. During the event, you can hunt down Treasure Hunter Mole Miners all around Appalachia to claim their loot for yourself.

Fallout 76 Treasure Hunter Event 2024 - Full Reward List & Best Farm ...

3. Treasure hunter | Fallout Wiki - Fandom

  • Hunt for the Treasure Hunter, is a series of limited-time community events for Fallout 76. Treasure hunter outfit and treasure hunter hat, are an outfit set in ...

  • Treasure hunter may refer to: Characters Treasure hunter (Fallout 76), a deceased random encounter character in Fallout 76. Treasure hunter, specific generic mole miners in Fallout 76. Treasure hunter (Wastelanders), a specific generic character in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders. Other Hunt for the Treasure Hunter, is a series of limited-time community events for Fallout 76. Treasure hunter outfit and treasure hunter hat, are an outfit set in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders. Treasure hunt

Treasure hunter | Fallout Wiki - Fandom

4. Hunt For The Treasure Hunters - Event - Fallout 76 - Bethesda Support

5. Fallout 76 Seasonal Event Guide: Hunt for the Treasure Hunter

  • 27 jan 2024 · Treasure Hunter Mole Miners drop a 1* 2* or 3* weapon or armour piece and a Dusty, Mole Miner, or Ornate Pail upon death.

  • Image Credit: Garlicwizard on DiscordTreasure Hunter Mole Miners are adorable, non hostile, hoarders who emit a Morse code-like radio signal. That radio signal will get into your brain and you will hear that signal for the rest of the week, even when you are out in the real world. Treasure Hunter Mole Miners drop a 1* 2* or 3* weapon or armour piece and a Dusty, Mole Miner, or Ornate Pail upon death. Mole Miner pails do not drop contextual ammo when opened, however, the Treasure Hunters themsel

Fallout 76 Seasonal Event Guide: Hunt for the Treasure Hunter

6. Fallout 76: Mole Miner Locations And Loot Drops - TheGamer

  • 2 mei 2024 · Whitespring Golf Club: One of the most popular farming spots, this zone seems to have a fairly high spawn rate for Treasure Hunters. · Lewisburg: ...

  • If you're on the hunt for some Mole Miners, here's their location and loot drops to check this mission off with ease.

Fallout 76: Mole Miner Locations And Loot Drops - TheGamer

7. Treasure Hunter (Fallout 76)

  • 20 mei 2024 · Background. The treasure hunter was in possession of a Treasure Map, searching for the location of a buried cache. However, he died before he ...

  • The Treasure Hunter is a deceased resident of Appalachia.

Treasure Hunter (Fallout 76)

8. Treasure Hunter - The Fallout Wiki

Treasure Hunter - The Fallout Wiki

9. Fallout 76 players feel kinda bad about killing treasure hunter mole ...

  • 20 sep 2021 · However, the treasure hunter mole miners have ditched big weapons in order to be able to carry more of the valuable oddities and gear they ...

  • Grabbing loot from fallen treasure hunters seems to be bumming some players out

Fallout 76 players feel kinda bad about killing treasure hunter mole ...

10. 'Fallout 76' Treasure Hunter Guide - Mole Miner Pail Rates, Outfits ...

  • 22 mei 2020 · How Mole Miner Pails Work · Dusty Mole Miner Pail: These are the most common type of pail, meaning you'll find them around 63 percent of the ...

  • "Fallout 76" Treasure Hunter event has players hunting for Mole Miner Pails. We'll tell you how to find them and what rewards you can get for consuming them.

'Fallout 76' Treasure Hunter Guide - Mole Miner Pail Rates, Outfits ...

11. Treasure Hunter Marker - Fallout 76 - Nexus Mods

  • 17 jan 2022 · Replaces the Treasure Hunter Mole Miner into a Marker with card board cut out of a Vault boy. This will make it easier to see where the Mole ...

  • Replaces the Treasure Hunter Mole Miner into a Marker with card board cut out of a Vault boy. This will make it easier to see where the Mole Miner is.

Treasure Hunter Marker - Fallout 76 - Nexus Mods

12. "Hunter for Hire" Quest - Fallout 76 - Bethesda Support

  • Objectives: Read the "Plan: Crane Treasure Hunting Sign" schematics from your inventory. (Optional) Speak to Mort about building at your C.A.M.P..

  • Quest Journal Entry General Quest Information For details and to see the objectives to complete this quest, click the

13. Plan Pricing Tool - FED76

  • Brought to you by The Plan Collectors and supported by FED, this is the Fallout 76 Plan Price Checker tool. ... Treasure Hunter Outfit, 1600 - 2400. 🗝️. ℹ️.

  • Plan Pricing Tool | The Plan Collectors

Plan Pricing Tool - FED76

14. Fallout 76's Treasure Hunter Event Gets Updated with New Rewards

  • 18 sep 2021 · Aside from those changes, this is still the same old Treasure Hunter event players will already be familiar with. Find the Mole Miners, take ...

  • If you've been playing Fallout 76 for a while now, you've most likely taken part in the Hunt for [...]

Fallout 76's Treasure Hunter Event Gets Updated with New Rewards

15. Fallout 76 Treasure Hunter event revealed — here's what it adds

  • 22 mei 2020 · The new limited-time Treasure Hunter event for Fallout 76 asks you to hunt down Mole Miners around the Ash Heap to claim their Mole Miner ...

  • The new limited-time Treasure Hunter event for Fallout 76 asks you to hunt down Mole Miners around the Ash Heap to claim their Mole Miner Pails of loot.

Fallout 76 Treasure Hunter event revealed — here's what it adds
Fallout 76 Treasure Hunter (2025)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.